Wind Turbine Repair Services

General : We repair all kind of critical FRP Components. We have been specialized in providing wind turbine blade service for last 20 years.We repair all model wind turbine rotor blades with high infrastructure system and tools.

Our team of expert technicians will work on the improvement of wind turbine blades. Turbine performance and blade condition are critical to improving the efficiency of wind farms and wind power generation. With a record of excellence in blade services, we have the best experience to support any kind of complex blade project.

We specialize in repairing Rotor Blades, nacelle cover and nose cone. Its details are as follows: -

Rotor Blades:

Our team is experienced in performing warranty updates and post-production services for specific blade models.

  • Leading Edge Erosion
  • Lightening Damage
  • Lamination Damage
Nosecone Repair:

It is an enclosure made of glass fibres reinforced polyester resin, equipped with all necessary fitting accessories and electrical connections to fit the hub casting structure of wind turbine generator with reference to customer specifications and requirements.

  • Fire Damage
  • Lamination Damage
Nacelle Cover Repair:

It is an enclosure made of glass fibres reinforced polyester resin, equipped with all necessary accessories like cooling arrangements including the cooler motors, radiators & exhausts equipped with acoustic insulation, electrical connections including tube lights and smoke detectors, fireproofing insulations,safety hangers and required mechanical support structures to fit the base frame structure of wind turbine generator with reference to customer specifications and requirements.

  • Fire Damage
  • Lamination Damage